Answers To Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I get my own site on the internet
Getting a site up and running on the internet is a three step process,
  1. Getting Your Address (also called domain) on the Internet
  2. Creating the pages for your web site
  3. Putting your web pages on a computer connected to the internet, also known as web hosting service
xmedia can help you in all of these areas. We have a small business starter package that will get you an address on the internet, and, create a website for you for a small fee. We also provide some very reasonable monthly packages for hosting your website on our internet servers.
What will it Cost
The cost will vary based on what you need. We have designed our packages to meet the needs of 90% of our customers. Our small business starter package costs only $300 dollar, and includes everything needed to get your site created and running on the internet. For web hosting we have designed a professional package, that will meet the needs of all but a very small set of very high powered sites. This package has no setup fee, and costs only $30.00/month.
How will others know about my site
Finding a page on the internet is exactly like looking for a service in your local yellow pages. There are several services on the internet that provide index of web pages. A user looking for a particular type of services simply asks the index service to give it a list of pages that match his search criteria (same as flipping to pizza pages in yellow page when looking for pizza delivery). Here is a sampling of a few major indexing services, go ahead and try them out by clicking on any of them,
How will I get my web site listed in on-line index services
If you open a web account with xmedia, we will get your pages listed in all the major on-line index services for no additional charge.
How do I get my own address on the internet
Internet addresses, also called domains, are registered, and maintained by a central body called InterNIC. If you wish to get an internet address of the form, xmedia can register your address with InterNIC for no charge.
Is there a cost for maintaining my internet address
Yes, InterNIC charges $50/year for maintaining your domain registration. Once your domain is registered with InterNIC, you will get an invoice directly from InterNIC for $100.00, this fee will cover your domain name registration for the first two years, thereafter you will be billed at the rate of $50/year.

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